Salary Survey

CalGeo gathers detailed salary, bonus, overtime, and employment information from participating member geotechnical firms. Participation is voluntary but participants receive the salary survey information free of charge! 

The survey form has been updated in Excel format to simplify your company’s data entry process, obtain more comprehensive and useful data, and allow for enhanced database processing on our part. We encourage all member companies to participate.

The most recent salary survey currently available is for the calendar year 2023. All member firms that participated have been e-mailed a copy of the survey. If you would like to purchase the salary survey, please click the link below. Please note the survey is for members only. All non-members must apply for CalGeo membership first.

Members (participating) = Free; Members (non-participating) = $500

Purchase the 2023 Salary Survey (for non-participating member firms only)

Salary Survey Confidentiality Process:

Please be advised that the following procedures are in place to keep the confidentiality of CalGeo organizational members and their employees.

When CalGeo accepts a completed salary survey, the results are sent directly to the Executive Director who creates a tally list of the organization submitting and the date received. Each survey on the tally list is associated with a number and the survey is named and saved with that number. This ensures no survey results are labeled with the member firms' names. The Executive Director then opens the survey spreadsheet and copies all the employee data to a large worksheet with no names or contact information. The compiled worksheet may be shared with the board member assisting but contains no specific company information.

The board member working with the Executive Director is then completely unaware of any of the companies participating in the survey and only sees the aggregate data. When all results have been compiled, the salary survey is completed and printed. The completed CalGeo salary survey does not contain any names of companies, personnel, or other recognizable details. It demonstrates averages, trends, and regional differences using compiled numbers. Original survey spreadsheets are deleted and destroyed after the completed survey is created.

Completed surveys are printed in hard copy and mailed to each participating organization by the Executive Director. CalGeo may disseminate electronic copies but these, as well as any hard copies, are to remain confidential and are not to be distributed outside of the member firm. Non-participating CalGeo member firms may purchase a salary survey for $500.

CalGeo strives to ensure the utmost confidentiality and privacy of the information collected and does not share or distribute individual results, or company or individual personnel information.