Membership Banner


(Keeps Membership Current Through September 14)

No other organization represents the geotechnical consulting profession better than CalGeo. We offer membership options to meet the diverse needs of those serving the industry. Membership dues are tax-deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense.

CalGeo works diligently on behalf of our members to raise the status of geotechnical engineers and geoprofessionals in the eyes of the public and other professionals. CalGeo offers continuous networking opportunities, highly educational events, and cost-saving services that have the cumulative effect of producing stronger, more profitable members in the geoprofessional industries.

When you join as a company through the appropriate link below, any members you enter as part of your company will receive a copy of all mailings and emails generated by CalGeo (notifications of meetings, conferences, workshops, training classes, the newsletter, any special bulletins, etc.). You may also designate additional branch offices to receive this information at no charge. We offer member pricing to all members throughout the year.

PLEASE NOTE, if you have a coworker who says they are already a member of CalGeo, this means one of two things:

  1. Your firm is a member, and you can have a profile added and enjoy all member benefits at no additional cost - email us at [email protected].
  2. If your coworker is an Individual Member, you may consider having the firm join as a firm. Individual member dues from that year will be pro-rated and applied to the firm membership, and you can have many more coworkers from your firm participate for one reasonable price (see below).

CalGeo Annual Membership Dues Structure 2024-2025 by Category

Comparison of Professional Categories


Profiles for 
All Employees
Out of State)


Booth at

EP Webinar

Active Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes    
Affiliate Yes Yes Yes     Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes              

Active Members Category

An Active Member may be any firm legally engaged in the private practice of geotechnical consulting. An Active Member firm may designate any legally established branch office as a separate firm for purposes of such branch office qualifying as a separate Active Member. Each Active Member firm, including each branch office of a member firm qualified as a separate member in accordance with the foregoing, shall have as a full-time employee at least one registered civil engineer or registered engineering geologist under California state law with a minimum of 5 years of experience in geotechnical consulting.

Members joining now will receive access through September 14, 2025.

  • $335 $167.50 flat-fee dues for firms with 1 employee*
  • $545 $272.50 for firms with 2-5 employees*
  • $785 $392.50 for firms with 6-10 employees*
  • $970 $485 for firms with 11-25 employees*
  • $1150 $575 for firms with 26-50 employees*
  • $1510 $755 for firms with 51-100 employees*
  • $1815 $907.50 for firms with more than 100 employees* (includes all offices within California)
     Join Now

* "Employee," for purposes of CalGeo membership dues calculations, is defined as any person directly involved in soil engineering, geology, or environmental sciences; support staff (lab and field technicians), and administrative staff involved in supporting these services in the State of California. Part-time employees should be calculated on a full-time equivalent basis (total monthly part-time-employee hours divided by 160 hours).

*Multi-disciplinary or multi-state/national firms need only count the employees in the geotechnical group within California.

Affiliate Members Category

Individuals or organizations that support the geotechnical profession with products or services.

Members joining now will receive access through September 14, 2025.

  • $2165 $1082.50 Flat Fee (firms may be in or outside of California)

Affiliate Members receive:

  • A FREE EXHIBIT BOOTH at our Annual Conference with the purchase of one conference registration. (Conference exhibit space is available exclusively to Affiliate Members on a first-come, first-served basis with some limitations depending on venue capacity.)
  • A complete listing of our members key contacts (in Microsoft Excel).
  • A rotating logo & link placement on the front page of our website.
  • The opportunity to provide one Emerging Professionals webinar (open to CalGeo's whole mailing list) annually.
  • An ad in one of our monthly e.Geo electronic newsletters.
  • Member pricing for all CalGeo events and offerings.
  • Exclusive sponsorship opportunities.
     Join Now


Individual Members Category

Individual members shall be geoprofessionals. Membership shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the Board. "Individual" members shall not have any voting rights. Individual members may only purchase and use courses themselves at the member rate.

  • $180 flat-fee dues for an individual geoprofessional
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Academic Members Category

College professors and students studying in the geoprofessional fields.

  • $10 flat-fee dues for professors
  • FREE for engineering students that are members of their university's CalGeo chapter
  • $10 for other engineering students
     Join Now  

Government Category

We do not have a membership category for Government employees, but they can receive a complimentary profile to receive access and member pricing. Please email [email protected] if you are an agency employee and would like a profile.