Project Awards
Outstanding Project Awards: 2024-2025
Each year at our Annual Conference, CalGeo puts the spotlight on the best geotechnical projects in the state with our Outstanding Project Awards. A panel of peers selects the year's finest work in a number of categories, providing winners with a powerful new marketing message and everyone with the opportunity to learn from exciting, innovative approaches to challenging situations.
The current project awards submission is for projects completed and constructed between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2024 (NOTE: For projects submitted as Academic/Research, publication must have occurred between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2024). So, to be clear, awards will be given at our Annual Conference in 2025 but they are for projects that have been completed by the end of 2024.
Download the requirements (PDF) below to see the current rules for the OPAs. Submissions are only open to CalGeo members. A fee of $150 is required for each entry. Firms/individuals may submit multiple entries but will only be awarded a maximum of one award per category. Honorable mention awards are often awarded if multiple submissions prove exceptional.
Affiliate Member Submissions
Affiliates may submit under the Geo-Contractor category with no restrictions on project budget or cost.
*Please note: Our application form & fee payment are available online at the above links.
2023-2024 Large-Private Project
Langan Engineering and Environmental Sciences | Oyster Point Landfill Redevelopment, Phase 1 Honorable Mention: ENGEO Incorporated | Pier 70 Special Use District (SUD) Redevelopment
Large-Public Project Langan Engineering and Environmental Sciences | Mission Rock, Phase 1 Honorable Mention: ENGEO Incorporated | River Islands Community Flood Control Project
Medium-Private Project Leighton Consulting | Sunset Glenoaks Studios Honorable Mention: ENGEO Incorporated | Potrero Power Plant Shoreline Stabilization
Small-Private Project C2Earth, Inc. | Residential Re-development on a Dormant, Deep-seated Landslide
Small-Public Project Haley & Aldrich, Inc. | City of Brentwood - Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion - Phase II
2022-2023 Large-Private Project ENGEO Incorporated | Treasure Island Redevelopment Phase 1, San Francisco Honorable Mention: Group Delta Consultants | SoFi Stadium and Mixed-Use Development, Inglewood
Large-Public Project Leighton Group | Long Beach International Gateway
Medium-Private Project Langan Engineering and Environmental Consultants | 1064 Mission Street Honorable Mention: Rockridge Geotechnical | 2016 Telegraph Avenue (Forma)
Geo-Contractor Category Malcolm Drilling Company | University of California Law San Francisco Campus, San Francisco
Large-Private Project ENGEO Incorporated for 1450 Bayhill Drive (YouTube) Shoring, San Bruno
Large-Public Project WSP | Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project, San Diego Honorable Mention: Rockridge Geotechnical | Mid-Coast Corridor Transit Project, San Diego
Medium-Private Project Leighton | Reinforced Soil Mat for Settlement Mitigation, Irvine
Medium-Public Project Geocon for SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC), Sacramento Honorable Mention: ENGEO Incorporated for Riverside Elementary - Lateral Spreading Restraint Element Design, San Pablo
Geo-Contractor Category Keller North America for Alameda Marina Ground Improvements & Shoreline Stabilization, Alameda Honorable Mention: Rockridge Geotechnical (for geotechnical consulting work on Keller's winning project)
Large-Public Project Langan | Highland Hospital, Oakland Honorable Mention: ENGEO Incorporated | Goldfields 200-Year Levee Project, Marysville
Medium-Public Project ENGEO Incorporated | Claire Lilienthal Elementary School Ground Improvements, San Francisco Honorable Mention: Cal Engineering & Geology | Zone 7 -Chain of Lakes Facility #1 Stabilization Project, Pleasanton
Geo-Contractor Category Advanced Geosolutions | Alameda Landing, Alameda
2019-2020 Large-Private Project Langan Engineering & Environmental Services | Chase Center and Mixed-use Development, San Francisco Honorable Mention: Leighton Consulting | Carlsbad Desalination Plant & Pipeline
Large-Public Project Blackburn Consulting | Southport Early Implementation Setback Levee, Sacramento
Medium-Private Project GMU Geotechnical | Inn at the Mission, San Juan Capistrano
Medium-Public Project ENGEO Incorporated | WETA Central Bay Operations & Maintenance Facility, Alameda Point Honorable Mention: Condor Earth Technologies | Oakdale Irrigation District Two-mile Bar Tunnel, Knights Ferry Honorable Mention: Geocon | Upper Blackwelder Lake Dam, Beale AFB Honorable Mention: Cal Engineering & Geology | Emergency Landslide Stabilization, Slope above Kami Ct., San Ramon Honorable Mention: Terracosta Consulting | Emergency Infill of "Koch's Crack" Sea Cave, La Jolla
Small-Public Project ENGEO Incorporated | Roseville City Hall Annex, Roseville
Geo-Contractor Category Farrell Design-Build | Historic Marshall Hotel, Sacramento
2018-2019 Large-Private Project ARUP | 181 Fremont Tower, San Francisco, CA Honorable Mention: GMU Geotechnical | Los Patrones Parkway, Rancho Mission Viejo, CA
Large-Public Project Diaz Yourman & Associates | Southwest Airlines LAX Terminal 1, Los Angeles, CA Honorable Mention: Petra Geotechnical | Wilson High School Auditorium Modernization, Long Beach, CA
Medium-Private Project GMU Geotechnical | South Cove Development, Dana Point, CA
Medium-Public Project Cal Engineering & Geology | Penitencia Delivery Main & Penitencia Force Main Seismic retrofit San Jose, CA
Small-Public Project Geocon | Trinity County HBP Bridges, Rancho Cordova, CA
2017-2018 Large-Private Project ENGEO Incorporated | Blu Harbor Redevelopment, Redwood City, CA
Large-Public Project Leighton Consulting | Burris Pump Station, Anaheim, CA
Medium-Public Project Cal Engineering & Geology | Oro Loma Wet Weather Equalization Project, San Lorenzo, CA
Medium-Private Project JC Baldwin Construction | Martin Resorts Shore Cliff Lodge Bluff Stabilization, Pismo Beach, CA
Honorable Mentions Geocon | Miller Lake Dam, Beale AFB, CA GMU Geotechnical | Emerald Bay Entrance Widening, Laguna Beach, CA
2016-2017 Large-Private Project Hayward Baker | International Market Place, Waikiki, Oahu, HI
Large-Public Project Geocon Consultants, Inc. | Golden One Center (Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Center), Sacramento
Medium-Public Project Holdrege & Kull Consulting Engineers and Geologists | Closed Lincoln Landfill Groundwater Corrective Action Project, Lincoln
Honorable Mention Blackburn Consulting | Cosumnes River Boulevard Extension & I-5 Interchange, Sacramento
2015-2016 Large-Private Project Hayward Baker | TL-6914 Loveland to Los Coches Substations, San Diego County, CA
Large-Public Project Diaz-Yourman & Associates | Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodel Center (ARTIC), Anaheim, CA
Medium-Public Project Cal Engineering & Geology | San Francisco Bay Trail/George Miller Regional Trail, Martinez & Port Costa, CA
Honorable Mention The Sutton Group | Redwood Road Landslide Stabilization, Oakland, CA
2014-2015 Large Project Leighton Consulting, Inc. | Santa Ana Regional Interceptor (SARI) Relocation, Orange County, CA
Medium Project C2Earth, Inc. | Lefteroff Residential Development, Portola Valley, CA
Honorable Mentions Geocon, Inc. | Adobe Estate (Laurel Pointe), Vista, CA ENGEO Inc. | Gallery at Central Park, North Apartments, Santa Clara, CA
2013-2014 Large Project Diaz-Yourman & Associates | Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, CA
Medium Project GMU Geotechnical, Inc. | Philemon Drive Landslide Repair, Dana Point, CA
2012-2013 Large Project Fugro Consultants, Inc. | San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Foundation, San Francisco Bay, CA
Medium Project ENGEO | San Mateo Bayfront Levee Improvement Project, San Mateo, CA
Small Project TerraPacific Consultants, Inc./DBM Contractors, Inc. | University House Rehabilitation-Slope Stabilization, La Jolla, CA
Honorable Mentions
- Caltrans/SFCTA | Presidio Parkway Phase 1, San Francisco
- Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. | Tulloch Hydroelectric Projects – 3rd Unit Addition, Jamestown
- Diaz-Yourman & Associates | Storm Drain Protection-Mid City/Exposition LRT, La Brea Crossing, Los Angeles
- Geotechnologies, Inc. | Pauley Pavilion Expansion, UCLA Campus
- Petra Geotrechnical, Inc. | 1st Street Viaduct Widening, Los Angeles
- Taber Consultants | Nord Highway Bridge at Mud Creek, Chico
2011-2012 Medium Projects Geocon Consultants, Inc. | PCWA Gold Run Pipeline Replacement - Phase IV, Gold Run, Placer County, CA Blackburn Consulting | Sacramento Railyards Bridges, Sacramento, CA
2010-2011 Large Project Leighton Consulting, Inc. | Nohl Canyon Water Storage Tank, Anaheim, CA and Diaz-Yourman & Associates | Cabrillo Way Marina, Port of Los Angeles
Medium Project ENGEO Incorporated | Pacific Cannery Lofts, Oakland, CA
Small Project Upp Geotechnology, Inc. | Emergency Ocean Bluff Stabilization, Moss Beach, CA
2009-2010 Large Project BSK Associates | Minarets High School, O'Neals, CA
Medium Project ENGEO Incorporated | Trestle Glen, Colma, CA
Honorable Mentions
- American Geotechnical, Inc. | Seaview Landslide Repair, San Clemente;
- Condor Earth Technologies, Inc. | Oakdale Irrigation District So. Main Canal Improvement Project, Oakdale;
- Leighton Consulting, Inc. | Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension, Los Angeles, and;
- Stoney-Miller Consultants, Inc. | Portola Hills II, Area A Landslide Remediation, Lake Forest
2008-2009 Medium Project TerraCosta Consulting Group | Wilson Cover Floating Dock and Small Boat Mooring Installation, San Clemente Island
Small Project Upp Geotechnology | Willow Creek Landslide Repair, Campbell
2007-2008 Large Project Geoform/Stoney Miller Consultants | Bluebird Canyon Landslide, Laguna Beach
Medium Project Diaz-Yourman & Associates | Port of Long Beach Security Command & Control Center, Long Beach
Honorable MentionLeighton Consulting, Inc. | Penske Truck Leasing Facility
2006-2007 Large Project Zeiser Kling Consultants, Inc. | Verdugo Mountain Project, Los Angeles
Small Project Geotechnologies, Inc. | Ennis House Retaining Wall Replacement Project, Los Angeles
2005-2006 Large Project Terra Costa Consulting Group, Inc. | The Point, Rancho Bernardo
Medium Project Wallace-Kuhl & Assoc., Inc. | CalPERS Headquarters Expansion, Sacramento
2004-2005 Large Projects Diaz-Yourman & Assoc. | Pier T Container Terminal, Long Beach Leighton Consulting, Inc. | Carnival Cruise Line Terminal & Berth, Long Beach
2003-2004 Large Project GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. | The Painted Turtle Camp, Lake Hughes
Small Project Kleinfelder, Inc. | Wildgoose Natural Gas Storage Expansion, Gridley
Honorable Mention Vector Engineering | Monterey Peninsula Landfill Module 4, Monterey
2002-2003 Large Project Diaz-Yourman & Assoc. | Port of Los Angeles Pier 400 Building & Gate Facilities, Los Angeles
Small Project Geotechnologies, Inc. | USC's North Science Building Project, Los Angeles
Honorable Mention David H. Lee & Assoc., Inc. | Via Cerro Rebal Landslide, San Juan Capistrano
2001-2002 Outstanding Projects Kleinfelder, Inc. | Crestview/Pinehurst Landslide, Millbrae Diaz-Yourman & Assoc. | Henry Ford Avenue Grade Separation, Long Beach R.T. Frankian & Assoc. | Golden Valley Road Phase One & High School, Merced