Emerging Professionals
The purpose of the Emerging Professionals group is to create a place where students and young professionals can acquire information, training, and advice from experienced engineers and geologists, and personally connect with the Geotechnical community.
All of CalGeo's Affiliate members are invited to provide Emerging Professionals Webinars annually, addressing industry topics at a level relevant to professionals of all experiences. Past recordings of EP Webinars are available, complimentary, to all members in the learning library.
We define Emerging Professionals as professionals who have spent under ten years since undergraduate graduation in the geoprofessions or related fields (e.g., civil engineering). Each year, we invite Emerging Professionals to submit an abstract to our Emerging Professionals Webinars by Emerging Professionals Series. Currently, the top five presenters get selected to present and receive complimentary registration for the upcoming Annual Conference.
2024-2025 Winners
Next Generation Liquefaction Database and Probabilistic Liquefaction Susceptibility, Triggering, and Manifestation Models | Ken Hudson, PhD, PG, EIT, Principal Geoscientist at Hudson Geotechnics
Boring Stuff: Practical Tips and Lessons Learned in Soil Logging | Lane Klansek, EIT, Project Engineer at GEI Consultants
Upgrading the Past to Protect the Future: The Seismic Retrofit for Marina Middle School | Tyler Toledo, Senior Staff Engineer at Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
Telecommunication Towers: Foundation Exploration, Design, and Analysis | Angel Wilson, EIT, Senior Staff Engineer at Mid Pacific Engineering, Inc
Seismic Soil Structure Interaction Analyses for a Bulkhead: An Assessment of the Efficacy of Stone Columns in Liquefaction Mitigation | Nithyagopal Goswami, PhD, Project Engineer at Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
2023-2024 Winners
Subsurface Explorations: Scoping, Overseeing, Implementing, and Laboratory (S.O.I.L.) | Luke Morrell, PE, Project Engineer II at Blackburn Consulting
Overview of Shallow Landslide and Rockfall Mitigation Techniques | Presty Paulose, PG, Staff Engineering Geologist at KANE GeoTech, Inc.
Estimating Mining Reserves | Lane Klansek, EIT, Associate Consultant at WSP USA
Critical Need to Know Techniques for ChatGPT and Bard: Mastering Prompt Engineering | Bailey Uy, Engineer at Keller - North America
Addressing Liquefaction for a Multi-Family Residential Structure in Irvine | Jose Cejudo, Staff Engineer at Geocon West, Inc
Journeying Beyond the Office: A Remote Project Experience and Lessons Learned | Harpreet Gill, EIT, Associate Consultant at WSP USA